Dann, Evelyn

Lakeville 1925-1985, Bartle family, Indian Mountain School, IMS fire, Connie & Bill Dolittle, Tom Wagner, Denise Restout, Wanda Landowska, Lakeville Methodist Church, GatewayInn, Interlaken Inn

Nash, Lila

Congregational Church, Salisbury fire 1903, Lakeville High School, Lakeville train station,trestle and freight station, ice cutting, swmming, sledding, The Patch, Robert’s Building description, old Salisbury Bank building, charity & Delia Fratts, Josephine Cullen’s milliner shop silent movies, WWI, Girls Friendly club, Lakeville High school class trip 1921, Wononsco House, Conference of Chinese students at Hotchkiss, American Legion dance at Town Hall

Perotti, Bart

ILime Rock,iron Barnum & Richardson, Ames iron works, Ore Hill Mine, Casino, RichardN. Barnum, Charles Barnum, Dard Hunter, Dard Hunter Paper Mill, Lime Rock Post Office, General Store, Borden Creamery, Dietz Lantern Company, Milmine estate, Milmine family, Lakeville businesses

Milmine, Mary

history of Salisbury Public Health, Henrietta van Cleft, various schools

Schmaling, Mary

Hamlin Hill farm, Wishbone farm, Postal worker, buy, restore and sell pianos, Taconic school & teacher, movies at Robert’s Hall,”Old Stone House” in Taconic, Abe Martin, Ellen Emmett Rand, George Clark’s general store

Latimer, Natalie Peabody

Wononsco House, Wake Robin Inn, Grove, Dave Timmems, “Nina”, Ralph Schwaikert, Randall House, Tom Lot Norton, Holley Mgf. building, The Hub, Lakeville Journal & Mr. Jones editor, Dr. Hern, Francis brothers, Mike Flynn, Tokone Hills

Card, Gordon

Card family, Lakeville & Main Street changes, WWII, Abe Martin, Sullivan/Morrisey fight in Boston Corners, Hotchkiss