Category Archives: Town Hall-Registrar of voters

Dell, Maureen

Deputy Registrar Republican Town Committee Grove, SWSA, Amesville Association

Gerstel, Karin

Undermountain Weavers original, Democratic Registrar, Undermountain Weavers recent, Creative Hands, Day Care Center, OWLS Kitchen, poll worker

Lynn, Janet H.

Narrator: Janet H. Lynn Place of Interview:  41 Chatfield Drive, Lakeville, Ct. 06039 Date:  April 24, 2024 Summary of talk: Work at Farnam Tavern, Lakeville Pony club, March of Dimes

Vail, Margie

Mt. Riga, OWLS Kitchen, Beautification Committee, Registrar Democratic Town Committee, family McCabe/Crosby/Warner,