Barton, Richard

Interviewer: Paul Rebillard Place of Interview: 29 Sharon Rd. Date of Interview: File No: 65A Cycle: Summary: family, Army 1946-1968, Lakeville Post Office Interview Audio Interview Transcript Memoir of Richard Barton Transcript of a taped

Aller, Rodney G.

Salisbury 1884-1987, Rev. John Calvin Goddard, Congregational Church, Mt. Riga, Holley Block, Hotchkiss,, Ski jump, Davis Ore Mine, Interlaken Inn, Faram Tavern, Ragamont Inn, Dufour’s Garage, Undermountain Inn, Satre skis, Railroads

Rebillard, Paul C & D

Taconic, Lakeville, farming tasks, ice harvesting, cutting logs, haying, storage, harvesting corn, Taconic School, Scoville estate, town changes, Grasslands farm

Brazee, Paul & Edward B.

Factory St. Ball furnace, Clark Hill Farm, Selleck/Erickson Farm, Mt. Riga 1937-1943, Mt. Riga roads, Mt. Riga fire 1928/29

Nash, Lila #2

Mt. Riga’s iron industry, the village, Raggie name, Mt. riga school, amos Bonhotel, mountain fire 1930s Factory Street, Phil Warner, Salisbury Artisans, Riga tales, Civil War, Iron Guard flag, Mt. riga corporation, Charlie Ball, Lincoln, Grant & Civil W Dave Brazee, 1955 Tri – State Park issue, Clayton Heizer, Front brothers, Jakey Holder, the Lock-up, Moses Datus Ensign Titus,