O’Hara, John

O’Hara family, Hurley family,various buildings on property, Hillcrest School, Institute of World Affairs, WWII, art colony

Walsh, Patricia

Grove , Barnett’s store Municipal Agent 1990-2002, Director of Senior Lunch Program early 1980s, Bam Whitbeck, PD Walsh Country Store

Gustafson, Alice #2

Ensign & Goodwin families, Lime Rock 1927-1948, Lime Rock School, Lakeville Journal, Trinity Church Interlaken Inn, Dard Hunter

Hammond, Dean

Ragamont Inn 1955-1972, Barnett’s Store, Santa Claus, State police, Hammond Bus Company, Lakeville Livery, Grove

Sly, Al

Hotchkiss 1950-1970, 1955flood Berkshire Hills Music & Dance. Youth concerts, Music Mountain, Congregational Church organist and Choir Master 1970-2015