Ragamont Inn-history 1970s-2000
Category Archives: Inn
Wake Robin
Ore Hill, Ore Hill School Wake Robin, Drummonds, Holley-Williams family, description of Holley-Williams house
Interlaken Inn, Rotary, Salisbury Chamber of Commerce, Salisbury Catering
Deep Lake Farm, railroads, Elsa’s Kitchen, White Hart, Salisbury Pharmacy, Guardian Catering, Grove Street School
Lime Rock Park, Lime Rock Lodge, Lotus East, SVAS, Jane Lloyd Fund,
Lime rock Race Track, Perkins boarding house, Francis Cottage, Mulville building, Bad Corner Antique, Iron Masters Motor Inns
1930's state border fire, Business, Education, Families, Fires, Harrison, Hotchkiss, Hubbard, Hunter family, Indian Mountain School, Inn, Iron Industry, Maple Shade (Ragamont) Inn, McCabe, Mt. Riga, Rand, Recreation, Scoville Car Wheel Company, Scoville family, Scoville Ore Bed, ski jumps, Tichnor, Towns, War, Wells, White Hart Inn, WW II Marines
Warner, Jonathan
Mt. Riga, ski jumps, 1930’s state border fire, IMS, Hotchkiss, WWII Marine Corps, various families, DJWarner, Maple shade Inn, white Hart Inn, Scoville Car Wheels, ore beds
Academy school, Bill Raysford-contractor, Buildings, Business, Churches, Congregational Church kitchen, Education, Families, Fires, George clark's stores, Grove Street School, Horace Kelsey-contractor, Hoskin's house-carpentry work, Hotchkiss carpenter, Inn, Lakeville High School, Lakeville Methodist Church-carpentry work, Ragamont Inn, Railroads, Rectory of St. Mary's-carpentry work, Salisbury Artisans, Salisbury stores, Scoville family, Scoville Library-carpentry work, Selleck Feed Store-Washinee St., spring of 1940, Towns, trains and travel, Twin Lakes, War, White Hart Inn, WW II-knitting for the Red Cross
Zacchea, Feliciano
Salisbury Artisans, Oxy Christine, Horace Kelsey-contractor, Bill Raysford-contractor, Salisbury stores, Congregational Church,Methodist Church, carpenter jobs, St. Mary’s, Judge Warner’s house, Scoville library, Hoskins’ house, Hotchkiss, Academy school, Grove Street school, Lakevilee high school, Phil Warner, Selleck feed store, George Clark’s stores, Twin Lakes, Scoville family White Hart, Ragmont, trains, fire spring of 1940