ambulance service, 911 dispatcher, Holley Wlliams House, Cannon Museum
Category Archives: Business
Mt. Riga ,iron, Package store, Barnett;s Store Lakeville Pony Club Art, George Baer, Salisbury Central teachers, Grove & sock hops, Ballet with Helen Haines
Background, Sharon clinic (1966-1985), and EMT training course for ambulance squads 1969-1972..
Little Scholar School, salisbury Central School, bus driver, Tax Collector 1973-2011, St, Mary’s organist, Denise Restout, Wanda Landowska, Bissell Fund, Salisbury Family Services, Noble Horizons Auxiliary
Salisbury Volunteer Ambulance Service
Interviewer: Jodi Stone Place of Interview: his home Date of Interview: File No: 90 A & B Cycle: Summary: Salisbury Bank & Trust, Interlaken Inn, Mr. & Mrs. John Percy Interview Audio Interview Transcript MEMOIROfJOHN
Lakeville businesses, WWII rationing, Farnam Tavern, Holley-Williams House, Holley Block, Regional #1 teacher
Dr. Peterson, Grove St. School, Salisbury Knife Handle Factory, Salisbury Visiting Nurses Association, Salisbury Pharmacy (Whitbeck’s), House of Herbs, Salisbury, Lakeville, Jigger Shop, Jakey Holder, Lila Nash, Judge Don Warner, Cock Robin, Agnes & Emily Fowler
Housatonic child Care Center
Housatonic Youth Service Bureau Clinician