Category Archives: Business

Paine, Tom

Grasslands Farm, Lakeville Hose Co, SVAS, Town Crew, Lime Rock Park, Camp Washinee Woods, Taconic General Store fire, Taconic, Town Hall fire

Parsons, George

Salisbury Knife Factory, Salisbury Artisans, Olympics, his house, Grove Street School, Frank Pogue’s garage

Perotti, Bart

ILime Rock,iron Barnum & Richardson, Ames iron works, Ore Hill Mine, Casino, RichardN. Barnum, Charles Barnum, Dard Hunter, Dard Hunter Paper Mill, Lime Rock Post Office, General Store, Borden Creamery, Dietz Lantern Company, Milmine estate, Milmine family, Lakeville businesses

Pohl, Nick

Interviewer: Jean McMillen Place of Interview: Scoville Library Date of Interview: File No: 25 Cycle: 3 Summary: Housatonic Youth Service Youth Bureau Director 2010-2018 Interview Audio Interview Transcript Nick Pohl Interview This is file #25, cycle

Rawlins, Roger

Resoursc Evaluation Group, Zoning Board of Appeals, Sewer Commission, SCS Board Chair Recreation Commission

Reid, Charlotte Hall

Hall family, Lakeville, SCS board of ed chair, WWII NYC Office of War Information, Gordon Reid, Housatonic Mental Health Center, First Selectman 1973-1989, location of Transfer Station, Erickson’s farm