Heritage: Artifacts from the Salisbury Association Iron Collection

Academy Building 24 Main St, Salisbury, CT, United States

On permanent display are numerous artifacts of the local iron industry, including an 18th century cannon, an Ames Ironworks lithograph, and the Holley Manufacturing Company’s pocket knife display from the

Come Into the Forest

Academy Building 24 Main St, Salisbury, CT, United States

Learn how forests benefit our well-being and combat climate change. Why do forest matter? What are the threats? What can we do to make a difference?

Guided Walk in Historic Lakeville

Lakeville Post Office

Join historian Lou Bucceri as he tells stories about places from Portet Street to the Furnace Neighborhood. Walk will last less than 1 hour; less than ½ mile in length. Reservations required: 860-435-0566.

Celebrating 50 Years: The Art of Aging

Academy Building 24 Main St, Salisbury, CT, United States

October 15 - November 30 “The Art of Aging” is a tribute to the first 50 years of Noble Horizons. It celebrates the many people—staff, residents, supporters, and volunteers—who helped create the tri-state’s premier senior living community.

Volunteer Day

Academy Building 24 Main St, Salisbury, CT, United States

Light trail maintenance and cutting vines on some of our Land Trust properties. Limited to 15 volunteers. Please register in advance at 860-435-0566 or info@salisburyassociation.org.

Vintage Christmas Display

Academy Building 24 Main St, Salisbury, CT, United States

On display December 1 through 31. Enjoy a collection of vintage Christmas decorations, cards, and memorabilia.

Free Holiday Concert

Congregational Church of Salisbury, 30 Main Street, Salisbury, CT

Special concert of traditional music and carols performed by the celebrated artists of The Salisbury Four.

Fen, Bog, and Swamp by Annie Proulx

Wardell Community Room, Scoville Memorial Library

Novelist Annie Proulx, who has often focused on environmental issues in her fiction, considers wetlands in her new non-fiction book, Fen, Bog, and Swamp. Vivian Feist Garfein and Dr. Michael W. Klemens will speak about the book and lead a discussion on wetlands, considering Proulx's book as a point of departure. In person and on Zoom.

Bad Grass 2023

The White Hart Inn 15 Under Mountain Rd, Salisbury, United States

Mike Nadeau, in conversation with Jeb Breece, provides a history of lawns and shares insights from over 40 years of experience transforming turf grass into native meadows. Cocktail reception follows. Ticket $20 Supporter $50. For information and tickets: www.silvaetpratum.net. Benefits Salisbury Association Land Trust .

For the Birds

The White Hart Inn 15 Under Mountain Rd, Salisbury, United States

Acclaimed garden designers, Page Dickey and Deb Munson, share their secrets for using native plants to create gardens that are a feast for the eyes...and the birds, bees, and butterflies.
Tickets and information at www.silvaetpratum.com. Benefits Sharon Audubon Center.