The Land Trust conserves and preserves Salisbury’s rural character, beautiful landscape, and natural resources through conservation easements and land ownership. We protect more than 3,900 acres of land under conservation easements covering 49 privately-held properties and 17 preserves owned directly by the Salisbury Association.
Exhibits & Programs
Dedicated to conserving land, wildlife habitat, natural resources, and protecting Salisbury’s rural character, the Land Trust actively engages in environmental educational outreach. We mount exhibits at the Academy Building and sponsor nature programs in conjunction with the Scoville Memorial Library and other land trusts.

Our recent exhibits have focused on a variety of environmental topics, from invasive species to the massive decline in bird populations. Many of our lecture programs explore the characteristics and habitats of various species, from black bears to wolves to beavers.

In the spring we offer an annual guided bird walk and bird survey at the Schlesinger Bird Preserve. We also offer guided walks on some of our preserved properties.

From time to time we sponsor special events, such as Heritage Walks, forums on our natural resources, and work days on our conserved properties.

Throughout the year we support environmental programs conducted by Sharon Audubon for Salisbury Central Students. We work independently and alongside other conservation groups to engage local youth in environmental projects.
The Salisbury Association Land Trust is accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission, a national organization that recognizes community land trusts that meet strict national quality standards and demonstrate best practices for protecting important natural places and working lands in perpetuity. The Land Trust received its accreditation in 2017.
The Commission renewed the Land Trust’s accredited status in 2023. The process involved extensive documentation and evaluation, proving that the Land Trust meets the highest national standards in land conservation practices.

Join Us

The Land Trust welcomes volunteers to help monitor private land protected by conservation easements, as well as parcels owned by the Salisbury Association. Volunteers also help create and maintain trails on properties open to the public, control invasive species, and plant native species.
To learn more, contact us by email at or by phone 860-435-0566. Or stop by the Academy Building and talk with Lou Bucceri, our Executive Assistant