The Historical Society tells Salisbury’s stories through exhibits in the Academy Building and on our website. We collaborate with the Scoville Memorial Library and others to present lectures and discussions on topics of local interest, and we offer programs for local students. We also support the maintenance of tombstones and signs in Town-owned cemeteries.
For current and upcoming exhibits and programs click here.
Some of our past exhibits include:
Past lectures include:

The Rise and Fall of the Ames Iron Works

Irish Immigration to Salisbury

Horace Holley and the Making of Liberal Education in Early America

Slavery in Litchfield County
Special Events
Periodically, we host special programs in different areas of the community that recount Salisbury’s story in tangible ways. Click here to learn about past special events.

Sheldon’s Light Horse re-enactors

Walking Tour of Amesville Iron Works
Programs for Students
We offer a variety of educational programs for local students so they may better understand the rich history of their community.
Elementary School – Salisbury Central School
Historical Society members engage with elementary teachers and students to add a hands-on component to the history or social studies curricula. Our programs are given at local historic sites or in school and help connect students with their heritage in exciting ways. We also collaborate with other organizations to augment our programs.

Middle School – Salisbury Central School
We have sponsored middle-school students in the annual National History Day Academic competitions since 2014. The program helps students learn critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, while building research and reading abilities.
We collaborate with the social studies teacher, SOAR’s after-school enrichment program, the Salisbury Town Historian, and the children’s librarian at the Scoville Memorial Library to provide research time, mentoring, and financial support for youngsters interested in the competition. Historical Society members also participate by helping judge student projects in the regional and state levels of the competition.
Area High Schools
We support Salisbury’s youth summer jobs program by donating money and employing students. The summer jobs vary each year depending on the needs of the Association and the interests of the students. In 2020, Kirstyn Hoage and Toby Pouler helped Town Historian, Jean McMillen, photograph and map 248 historic gravestones in Salisbury’s Old Burying Ground.

Town-Owned Cemeteries

The Town Historian inspects Salisbury’s cemeteries and arranges for the cleaning and repair of tombstones, as needed. The Historical Society helps fund the maintenance of tombstones and signs.