Dave Patton will lead a walk at Sugar Hill to learn about easy-to-identify mushrooms that are edible, toxic, and have medicinal properties. Limited to 20. Rain or shine. Pre-register. 10 am - 11 am
Dick Paddock, a member of the Salisbury Association Historical Society, will give an illustrated talk about the history of the iron industry in Salisbury/Lakeville. The Northwest Corner had vast areas of iron ore, limestone, and wood to make charcoal--the three main ingredients for iron
production. The early blast furnace produced tools and cooking utensils and then cannons for the Revolutionary War. It was replaced with the Holley Manufacturing Company, one of the early producers of pocketknives in the country. 4 pm - 5:30 pm
Plan to atend this fun-filled home-town celebration with lots of activities and events for people of all ages. Wander Main Street for book and bake sales, local artisans, food tents, and displays. Enjoy a quilt show, brew-fest, scarecrows, pet parade, and live music. Kids will enjoy magic shows, games, pumpkin decorating, crafts, and more. For a schedule of events, visit www.salisburyfallfestival.org.